Thursday, May 27, 2010

5 A.M.

The internal alarm clock went off a little early this morning.

Good Morning!

Not sure why. Maybe could have had a little to do with Dear Hubby's snoring serenade. Whatever the reason, I was up. I figured must as well take advantage of the quiet before the hustle and bustle of getting everyone off to school and work.

Coffee was made.
Me and my perfect cup of hazelnut with two sweeteners and a large splash of low sugar french vanilla creamer coffee decided to take in the peaceful early
morning out-of-doors.

Just a few chirping birds and cooing mourning doves sang to the sunrise. I decided to grab the camera and take some early morning pics around the gardens and some pots on the deck.

It was nice.

The Herb Garden

Lamb's Ear and Chives

The Pond Garden


The Perennial Garden

More Lamb's Ear

Perennial Geranium, Baby Lamb's Ear and Salvia

Thanks for visiting!
Leave a comment so I can get to know you.


  1. Carla, I know I say this over and over..but boy I'm amazed at how much you get accomplished. Your gardens and plant beds are beautiful.

    Mine look awful... untended, full of weeds and I lack any desire to correct the situation. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get up, make a cup of tea and come back to your blog to look out over YOUR garden.


  2. Hi Carla!
    We've gotten back from the hospital. We are going to live :)
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your well wishes! Means the world to me.
    Love your gorgeous garden pictures and just want you to know that it made me happy to see such beautiful plants thriving!!
    I LOVE catmint!! Isn't it one of the best plants ever ??!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Carla,

    Sorry you ended up waking up so early this morning but sometimes early morning is just the best. The birds chirping and cooing and the world sleeping....definite peace.

    I absolutely LOVE all of your gorgeous gardens. They are all just gorgeous and you have such a wonderful variety.♥

  4. Such pretty gardens Carla! love your lamb's ear, I had some long I'm missing it!
    Have a wonderful day:)

  5. What an amazing garden! Wow!

    We can't grow much of anything here, the deer eat it before we can harvest anything. Boo hoo!


    Have a wonderful weekend,


Thanks so much for visiting my tiny corner of blogland!