Hi . . . I'm Carla . . . and I'm . . . a . . . magazine . . . addict.
Not only I'm a an addict, I'm a hoarderer (geez, is that a word? my spell check says otherwise, but you get the idea). Not only do I buy, subscribe, inherit, steal (well, I don't "steal" I may accidentally walk off with them from my doc's office - that's not stealing, really, I just don't realize they're in my hand!). And I can't seem to throw the away when I'm done with them. Throw them away!!! Absolutely not! So I hoard them . . . all over the house.
Exhibit A: My craft room. Rows of back issues of scrapbook magazines, card making and paper crafting magazines.
Exhibit B: The family room. A huge, I mean HUGE, basket filled with BH&G, MSL, Women's Health, Racheal Ray, Country Living, Cottage Living, Coastal Living, Victoria. Then look, a small pile on the end table. Across the room a crate of "specialty mags". You know, the ones that cost twice as much because they're a "special issue".
Exhibit C: My bedroom. These are the back issues of distinction here. Their honorable resting place is in my boudoir under one of the bed tables. Among the chosen are Martha Stewart Living, Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion (so sad that mag has ceased publication) and Country Living.
Then on the other side of the bed on the floor next to the other bed table are very old back issues of Quilt Sampler magazines.
Exhibit C: The basement. I even have back issues in the unfinished, storage part of our basement. I almost forgot they were there. They'd be like new reading . . . ooooo . . . .
Exhibit D. My kitchen hutch. Back issues of Cooking Light, Everyday Food and Kraft Food and Family.
Here's a perfect example of my hoarding problem. Check out these two issues of Country Gardens: one is published Summer 1994 and the other is Summer 2003. Their cover photos are almost identical. Gee, think my "archives" go deeper then theirs!
I have taken steps to at least help rid myself of my severe hoarding. I've been going through my beloved mags and removing the most inspirational photos, ideas, recipes, etc., and lovingly placing them in protective sleeves and adding them to pretty little notebook binders (WalMart).
Now, I have to be strong during this wonderous season of "Special Issues". The pretty covers, the amazing promises of having my best Thanksgiving and Christmas ever! Special issues for fall . . . special issues for Halloween . . . special issues for Thanksgiving . . . special issues for Christmas . . . ooooo, I'm in big trouble! Anyone know of an online support group for Magazine Addicts?