Here's a perfect example of the beauty of blogging . . . reading blogs and writing blogs.
Back in June, my good blogging friend,
posted here about how she came across an old silhouette made of her husband when he was a child.
Photo from Kerin's Blog
She did a bit of work to prepare it for display, nicely framed it, and presented it to him on Father's Day. What a wonderfully thoughtful gift.
Well, seeing her post got me remembering that all three of my boys, attending the same preschool, had silhouettes made their last year there. The school would do silhouettes of all the kids. It was their "graduation" gift to the kids and parents.
Soooo . . . . I dug out their silhouettes, trimmed them up and framed them in a yard-sale purchased frame.
I painted the frame with ORB spray paint, mounted the silhouettes on sage green burlap ~ $3.00/yard ~ (right over the original print) and made little labels identifying each boy. Which almost is unnecessary, as we can tell very easily who's who by their silhouette!
I hung it in our bedroom, which is still undergoing it's snail-pace of a transformation re-do. I just love it in there! The black frame looks so crisp against the newly painted pale green walls.
Let me tell you, it was no easy task trying to get a good photo of this picture hanging on the wall without getting background reflections in the glass!
Had I not been a blog reader, and had Kerin not been a blogger, and I had not been a reader of her sweet blog, who knows???? I may never have seen or thought of this idea.
Thanks for the inspiration, Kerin. ;o)
I'm linking up this project over at 320 Sycamore joining in on the

Be sure to click over and check out more great projects.
Oh, and tomorrow's a BIG day for me . . . well, my blog.
It's my one year Blogiversary!
And in typical blogger celebration style, I'll be hosting a giveaway. A thank you for all your readership. Be sure to check back tomorrow!
edited to add: So sorry I didn't get my giveaway up yesterday. It turned into "one of those days". I know you can all relate :o) I will try to get it up later today or tomorrow for sure . . . I PROMISE!!! So please, check back. I really want to celebrate with you all.
Thanks for visiting!
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Very nice! I wish I had silouettes of my kids but I don't. This is so nice to have. Very nice...heartwarming project!
I have my silouette from grade school too and I had been thinking of framing it to put in our bedroom but my husband doesn't have one as his parents' house burnt down many years ago and all those type of things were lost :( so that's when I decided to go with the M instead :)
Happy blogiversary!!
Thanks for the kind words Carla!
You really are a so nice to me.... thanks!!
I love how the silouettes of the boys turned out!! And, I love all three of them together!!
I love the sage green burlap too....very classy :)
Happy blogging anniversary!
Time sure does fly when you're having fun :)
Hope you have a great day today!
How pretty. I love how it all turned out!
So sweet! And to think you've had them all this time. Ain't blogging grand?
You know I'm a sucker for using a big old ugly frame for something beautiful. So sweet. Happy 1 yr blogiversary!
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